Jul 24 2002, 7:21 pm
Is there a tutorial for advanced stuff..Not basic stuff like vars and stuff..mostly like how to make a turn based card game..?
In response to Drafonis
Drafonis wrote:
Well, I think that one thing you can do is search for turn-based tutorials... And, one question. Is there a NON-TURF BASED CARD GAME?! 'Cause if there's not, you could've just said card game. :) Yes, there are non-turn-based card games. More common, however, than that is a hybrid in which the order of play may be interrupted. Crazy Uno is one example. You take about a zillion Uno decks and a bunch of people. Gameplay is normal except:
Well, I think that one thing you can do is search for turn-based tutorials... And, one question. Is there a NON-TURF BASED CARD GAME?! 'Cause if there's not, you could've just said card game. :)