how would i go about changing my mouse "pointer" from the same old arrow to lets say some crosshairs that i made. and when i moved the mouse over a person it changed states.
In response to Siientx
it dosent work, i think its because of this error
sss.dms:2:error at '{': variable not defined
and the background change dosent work either because of the same error
or should i put it in something besides a dms file
In response to Liushinkyu
Put the code Siientx gave you in your code file. As for getting the cross hairs to appear you need to add the mouse_over_pointer variable to whatever you want it to appear over.

For example,
   mouse_pointer_icon = 'gun.dmi'

      mouse_over_pointer = 'crosshairs.dmi'

This will cause your pointer to be a gun until it is over the target. Then it will turn into crosshairs.
In response to Creek
There is an easier way to do this, just read the mouse pointer section in the help, you can make one icon file with multiple states for the one mouse, like you can specify which will be the mouse over icon, without typing out in code what it should go to.