Pokemon Race Against Time

by Aceraptor
Pokemon Race Against Time
Guess who's back :D
Just thought I'd post to help you out a bit. I have experience with making and running forums as well as being a moderator and admin in games.

In game name: Tatsuya

Key: KaitouDark

How long I've played PRAT: I played around 5 or so years ago (I went by the name Kuro Shinzou at the time) originally and off and on after that and now I'm back to enjoy it more.

Past staff experience: I've been a GM on many games and owned a few myself. The only game really worthy of noting though is my most recent staff experience on a big Naruto game called Shinobi of Legend with an average of 45-50 players on at a time.

Any special skills: Well obviously I can actually type in complete sentences and know how to spell so people understand me better, which is a huge bonus I personally think.

Last comments: Whether you want help or not, I really don't know. I just want to continue to help this game grow in any possible way and see the potential it truly has. I totally believe this is the best Pokemon game on BYOND.

References: Tetsuya (Destro911), ScrewyParasite, Takishiro, Zan9, Does drugs for fun, Skarecrow6669, most of the server (as far as how often I'm on and some that know me might say more).

Closing Statements: I'd appreciate a good look over for a position, but overall I want you to make the best choice for the game. I urge you to please take a chance on someone and make this game grow.
In Game Name: Ryan

Key: Ryan656

How Long I've Played: I've played for 2 years, under different keys, and I have had many many wonderful experiences here.

Past Experience: I've moderated on, Pokemon Bloodstone, Pokemon New Worlds, Pokemon Eternal Darkness, etc.

Any Special Skill: I have people skills, and I can sprite.
Key: Kiro98

In Game Name:Kiro
Pokemon has always been a personal favorite of mine. I have experience with being an admin for a few games so i have some knowledge. I also am trying to work on some iconing so maybe I can do beginner stuff. I am great at helping people with games I honestly like helping people.

I really have only played this game seriously for about a year. I am usually on 6/7 days of the week so im available most of the time i can Host if needed
IGN: KoraaX

Key: KoraaX

Played Length: I have played PRAT off and on since 2009 under a few different keys, but iv always come back to KoraaX.

Past Experiances: i have moderated on a few of Ishuris games, Skeens dbz game Forges Lost Saiyans and pokemon rift between light and dark, a prat rip.

Reasons for consideration: i usually get along with everyone and if i dont i still treat them fairly, i just want to help keep chat clean and keep the afkers and buggers out of PRAT

Thanks for your consideration, KoraaX
In game name: Demon

Key: JupiterV

Past staff experience: I have been a Gm on many games. From Naruto Life Limit to Other Pokemon games.

Any special skills: I wouldn’t say I have many special skills. But I can say that I’m well understandable, I’m a people person. I can make everyone happy in any situation. When it comes down to making hard decisions, I make the best choice. I’m well organized. I have a flexible schedule so I’m on everyday for 8 Hours a day. I’ll usually be on everyday If I do not have work. I’m great at hosting tournaments.

Extra: I love playing PRAT. I just want to help this game grow even more than it already has. Whether or not I get to be a GM, I‘ll keep playing.


How long You've been playing PRAT:well the original PRAT was the 5 top games i first played when i started byond and then that server when down then i quit and now am back on byond i came back to this PRAT about 3 days ago.

Past experiences:well i have become staff on a few games before i quited byond.

Special Skills?:well i can help with the programming cant programe that good but i can icon pokemon from sprite sheets i can almost map and GFX.

Anything else?:i like to help players and mostly the players that have no idea what to do when first playing the game and i hate people who dislike me.

Ign(In Game Name): Krystal Mirza

How long You've been playing PRAT: about 1 to maybe 2 years. I used to go by a different name, which I think was, "Rosa", I also did a gender bend save where I pretended to be a guy named "Shadowspaine".

Past experiences:Little to none. I have helped out a friend with moderating his game, but not by much, considering it didn't have too much traffic.

Special Skills?: I am, as some people have told me, "Good with people.", I have experience with kids, as I've helped at at a local Day-care center near my home. I've also been known to hunt for some rare pokemon when I used to play a while ago, so I can most likely help with most things if theres a player looking for a certain thing.

Anything else?: I'd also like to add that, With this application, I'm not really looking for a high spot, I'm just looking to help out with the game, seeing as currently I don't have much to do in my free time, and I don't really see training on some game that much fun, In my own opinion. I'd rather be helping out others then wasting my time. Also, Thanks for taking the time to look over and read my application, I appreciate it. Have a nice day and keep up the good work with keeping PRAT populated and fun with the common events.

~Krystal Mirza
Byond Key: IMangekyouI

In-Game Name: Whatever Name I Feel Like At The Time

How long have I been playing / How much experience do I have with PRAT? Well I've been playing PRAT since 08 when it was super OG. I've programmed for Superboy and designed a nice Interface for him...Then he up and disappeared like usual. Before that I was admin for about four-five months when Rose was running PRAT.

Byond Experience/Special Skills: I've ran multiple games from original medieval time RPGs which didn't get popular to GOA rips which sadly enough did get popular.(Shows what kind of community Byond has) I've been admin on PRAT, PBF, I was even admin/programmer for you Acerapter when you were running your first Phantom series game. My special skills for Byond specifically would consist of fluent knowledge in DM, Advanced knowledge in HTML, progressive knowledge on Interface design, novice spriting skills, and an extremely creative mind when it comes to Map design.

Extra Information: Now I'm completely aware of your current stance on me being admin because of my current occupation on PRAT which would be trolling, however the only reason that anyone trolls on PRAT is because of it being PRAT. On that note I guarantee that if you at the very least give me a test run as admin I can show you that as admin power would not be abused, trolling would be at a minimum (I.E. I wouldn't use caps lock and/or make players cry).

Byond Players Who Would Vouch For Me:

Byond Key: Bad-boy-rich

ING: Mr Freeze

Length of playing PRAT: Would say about 3/4 years worth.

Exp/Special skills: Admin on some popular DBZ games (mostly owned by Pemalite),and mostly pokemon games since then. PPR (you gave me admin on there), PPF/PRAT by Zaroc. Pokemon Legacy by Koz when he had it and now I'm the owner of it.

As for skills I didn't get into all that stuff until a little time after being admin for you. So question is what I've learnt, i can fix some coding problems but I wouldn't say I'm capable of coding enough. Icon/sprite to an extent. Map, mapped Sinnoh for you, PL with Sky_Demon(Twist) and I'm able to host.

Byond hoes who will vouch for me:
Leon (uses different names everytime hes on)
Everyone else on the game.
Byond Key: Sharky12

IGN: Sharky

Experience: Majority of Jee's games, Dbz, PRAT itself. I've been playing PRAT since 2008, so I'am familiar with the game.

Skills: I can host but my main asset is mapping.

Players who could vouch for me: The whole entire server, I am on most the time.

Byond key: Luffy999

IGN: Hamza

Experience: Few DBZ games i played PRAT original few years ago so i am familiar with the game

Skills: i can do anything :D

Players who can vouch: Manna, Stealth, Mr freeze and everyone else :D