For this exercise, assume the usr's var "bonusaccuracy" is equal to 5.

Would if(prob((25)+(usr.bonusaccuracy))) be the same as if(prob(30))?

If not, what would be a way to achieve a system like this?
yes, it's the same, but you don't need all the extra parenthesis ((25), (usr.bonusaccuracy)).
In response to Garthor
Thanks for the quick response. However, I'll put all the parentheses I want on them.

I just attempted this in my test game, and the prob() doesn't seem to be doing anything, since when I attack something, there is no result.
[Update 2]
Seems it was a bit of poor indenting on my part. Problem fixed.
In response to Mertek
prob() only returns true if the probability is hit. A 30% probability probably doesn't hit too often. Try upping it to like 80 or some other high number for testing and see if you get a result then.
In response to Mertek
Try if(prob(25+that_bonus))

prob(number) returns true or false.

In response to sapphiremagus
I am aware of that. I noticed that when you had a weapon equipped, it added the chance of not hitting, when I wanted it to subtract. Fixed it and it worked fine.