i made a give-money verb,but it doesnt seem to work...
how would you start it out?
you know,like: Give_Gold(mob/M in view(1),ammount as text)
text2num would be a much wiser choice in this case.

That should work, just have to subtract from the usr's gold, and add it to M's gold.
In response to Mertek
thanks,it works ^_^
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
text2num would be a much wiser choice in this case.

Why bother? Just declare the argument as num:
Give_Gold(mob/M as mob in view(1), amount as num)
In response to Air Mapster
too late O_o;
meh,i'll change it after it's publicly tested (the game,that is)

(yes,it's gonna be tested publicly,TODAY! ^_^ actualy,in a few moments,i hope)