i need a snippet that has a mob that you can enter and exit, while entered your control is shifted to the object, when exited you return to the default mob
in other words a car that you can enter, drive, than exit,
thank you very much if you can help me out
![]() Aug 21 2002, 5:52 pm
You can attempt this but there may be an easier way.
mob Login() usr.verbs -= /mob/verb/Jump_Out //just put this under your Login code obj/car icon = 'car.dmi' verb Get_In() set src in oview(1) usr<<"You have entered the car!" usr.overlays += /obj/car usr.verbs += /mob/verb/Jump_Out del(src) mob/verb/Jump_Out() usr<<"You jumped out of the car!" usr.overlays -= /obj/car usr.verbs -= /mob/verb/Jump_Out var/obj/car/C = new/obj/Car C.loc = usr.loc This may or may not work, but its a start. |
P.S.: Don't copy and paste, just retype it onto the Dream Maker window.