Is it at all possible to import .BMP files into pixelmap files???
If not where can i get pixelmap sets??
Yes this is possible but very very complicate, unless you cheat. Heres a way that works very well but sometime can mess up the picture. Go to the program your using, whatever it is lets say its paint. Make a cut box or polygon around the picture, right click the box and click copy or cut, whichever you prefer, then go into DM and creat a new pixel picture, but dont paint it in, then click on the non painted picture of nothing and click paste. E Voila, your picture is in, but if the pic is to big it can overlap. Just try making the cut box smaller.
In response to The Conjuror
Thanks Dude!
In response to The Conjuror
You should not need to manually cut the BMP file.

  • Create the BMP file in an outside program.
  • Create a new icon.
  • In the top menu choose Graphics->Import and get the BMP file you want.

    This should give you a bunch of single-frame states created from the BMP file. The same thing works for PNG files.
In response to ACWraith