I would like to know if anyone can tell me how to put random battles into a game. If you can, I would be very thankful.
try raekwons random combat demo or Ghaleon's battle system
In response to Soori-99
And... where do I get those?
Unless you're asking for help debugging your code, the question probably belongs in Newbie Central, as this one definitely does.
Tempting as it is to reiterate the word in the subject line, I'll just let it stand implied.

Lummox JR
No one can really tell you how to put random battles in your own game. You have to think smaller. Think of exactly you want your random combat to do. Break down your battle system into the tiniest parts you can. You could break it down into steps, list them as comments in your code, and figure out how to do each step one at a time. For example, how do you want random combat to be engaged? Do you want to have a 5% chance of fighting every time you take a step? If so, that should probably be your step 1. What do you want to happen when combat does begin? You probably want to move the player to a battle screen, so this will be your step 2.

Asking big questions such as "Can I have a battle system?" aren't going to get you many code-wise answers. Asking smaller questions, like "How do I move the player to a battle screen?" will most likely get you better answers.
In response to Mattrello
goto search and type in the makers name. Dont expect other people to do all the work for you