I'm having trouble being able to let players load thier own icon...
times_logged_in += 1
usr << "You have logged in [times_logged_in] time(s)."
name = input("What is your name? (When inputing your name please put the first letter as a capital unless you want 'The' in front of your name.)") as text
alert("Thank You")
var/savefile/F = input("Would you like to load an icon?")in list("Yes","No")
if("Yes") F = new("file.sav")
F["icon"] >> src.icon
usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
if("No") usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
Here are my errors...
mobs.dm:9: Inconsistent indentation.
mobs.dm:10: Inconsistent indentation.
Sep 6 2002, 12:14 pm
Sep 6 2002, 12:26 pm
You forgot your switch() proc, and no offense, but I don't know what you were thinking with that indentation. I see a much simpler way of doing that anyway.
In response to WizDragon
It gives me this error...
mobs.dm:7:error: proc definition not allowed inside another proc Punkrock546 |
In response to Punkrock546
Why is it var/savefile/F ?
In response to Garthor
I don't know I got it from the BYOND manual...
Punkrock546 |