because I want to draw a background graphic for my battle screen, but I'm not sure how big's the screen..
BYOND doesn't have a set screen size. It can be anywhere from 1x1 square to 21x21 squares I believe. It defaults to 11x11 I think, so that's probably what you want.
In response to Foomer
As a side note, the following heights appear to take up the screen height with the following resolutions:
  Res      Taskbar     No Taskbar(?)
________ __________ ____________
640x480 9 squares 10 squares
800x600 13 squares 14 squares
1024x768 19 squares 20 squares
It depends, if you want the answer in Pixels 1 tile is 32 by 32 pixels. So just figure out how wide it is in tiles, then times by 32, then how high in tiles it is and times that by 32.
You should have the size there.
In response to ACWraith
a "DUH", I could do some calclation there...haha

In response to Sogabe
Sogabe wrote:
a "DUH", I could do some calclation there...haha


Heh. =) I wasn't trying to insult your intelligence. I just don't think it's obvious how much space the top of the window, the gray host bar, the text box, and the Windows taskbar take.