I am tring to play a icon movie one time through then stop. I also want you to not be able to move wile it is playing. I know I can play it once with the flick command. How do I lock the player so he can't move?
Make a variable called lock.

<code>mob/var/lock = 0</code>

Then, in the Move() proc, check to see if lock is true, and if it is, cancel the move proc. If it is not, continue normally.

<code>mob/Move() if(src.lock) return else ..()</code>

Now if the mob's lock variable is true (1), then the mob will be unable to move. If it is false (0), then the mob will move around normally.
In response to Foomer
That wont work with out a sleep command. If you say

usr.lock = 1
usr.lock = 0

It will play through and unlock the player. How can I stop this with out a sleep command?
In response to TK6000
You can't stop it without a sleep command. You just need to add in a sleep command after the flick() that is roughly the same length as the animation.
In response to Foomer
that sucks!
In response to Foomer
You can stop it with a spawn command!