Sep 22 2002, 8:04 am
I dont have any attacking or magic code for my game, and it is crap without it!!!!!!
Malcolm wrote:
I dont have any attacking or magic code for my game, and it is crap without it!!!!!!<code> mob/var/magic = 0 mob/var/attack = 0 mob/verb/Attack(mob/M in oview(3)) attack = rand(1,5) switch(attack) if(1,2) src << "Your scrawny stick of death \..." M << "[]'s scrawny stick of death \..." if(3,4) src << "Your wicked scythe of bubblegum \..." M << "[]'s scythe of bubblegum \..." if(5) src << "Your dice of delicious doom \..." M << "[]'s dice of delicious doom \..." src << "mow\s [] into bitesize pieces." M << "mow\s you into bitesize pieces." del M </code> Theres one. You can figure the other out for yourself :) Alathon |
In response to Branks
try fantesia sorce code
mob/verb/attacking(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
M<<"You Are Attacked by [usr]!"
usr<<"You Are Attacking [M]!"
mob/verb/magic(mob/M as mob in oview(5))
M<<"You Are Magi-fied! by [usr]"
usr<<"You Are Magi-fying [M]!"
there ya go! >:)