I am looking for a tutorial for an econmic type game. does any one have one. If they do. Can they put down the website where i can d/l from. thx

I don't think there are any. What exactly did you have in mind for an "economic game"? Could you provide a detailed description?
In response to Foomer
Sure. I want it to be like sim city. It will be my first game that i made and i need to now how to code. Make money, build fire stations. But when differnt ppl log in, they will have there own map thats like a size 100 that they can build on and have a destory verb and not destory other ppl's citys and stuff. only destory theres when they mess up

In response to DragonSeeker1488
Sounds cool. But can the players interact? Because if not, it'd be much better to just make it a single player game so everyone can just play by themselves, when they want to, without having to host.

I don't know of any specific tutorials for that kind of game, but finding out about HUDs and client.eye would be a good start.

Although if you're planning this as your first project, you might want to try something simpler or you run the risk of running out of steam and abandoning the project. Still, if you can pull it off that's great.
In response to DragonSeeker1488
DragonSeeker1488 wrote:
Sure. I want it to be like sim city. It will be my first game that i made and i need to now how to code. Make money, build fire stations. But when differnt ppl log in, they will have there own map thats like a size 100 that they can build on and have a destory verb and not destory other ppl's citys and stuff. only destory theres when they mess up


Sounds like you want a whole game made. I suggest learning the bacics, check some demo's i made out:

~ Kyle
In response to Crispy
I am going to have it like that Crispy. I'm also going to have a save verb so if you want to play it alone with out it being hosted and you like it, then have to go and not make it again, then save it. And a lot of other stuff, also, make it so you can still talk to people and stuff even on the same map, Name your own city, also, if it gets better, make it so you can have differnt states. Also have it so players can edit there maps any way they like. It's going to be a while till its done but I hope it gets better. I'm going to need to get city icons, court yard, etc. I would like any help I can get with icons. Thanks
