Here is a look at my third class in the game. It's the blood class. It's a tank/damage(which reminds me I need some more healer classes). It has five abilities. This class is unique as its abilities make the enemy drop blood droplets that can be walked on for health. Blood uses no mana/energy instead it uses its own health to fire off abilities.
The next update will be the ki class(sayain inspired) which because of my lack of healers will be a tank/healer/damage class. the five moves it will start with are healing blast, ki blast, ki charge, teleport punch, and a move similair to koken (currently the longer you charge it the buffer and stronger you get hoever with some side effects to compensate it)
Interface is not completed. I am working on getting something that is great with mobile and pc's.
Tell me what you think and thank you:)
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