ive been looking for a tutorial on how to host a game but I cant find one I also cant find the info in the blue book.

ive tried this
hub = myname.gamename

but this gives me a var error. could some help me out?
Treasurecat wrote:
ive been looking for a tutorial on how to host a game but I cant find one I also cant find the info in the blue book.

ive tried this
hub = myname.gamename

but this gives me a var error. could some help me out?

The myname.gamename part is supposed to be in quotes.

Lummox JR

I think.
In response to Lummox JR
is it case sensitive?
In response to Treasurecat
Treasurecat wrote:
is it case sensitive?

I think it might be, but I don't remember. Just be sure to strip out spaces from it.

Lummox JR