mob/verb/Transfer_File(mob/M as mob in world,F as file)
switch(input(M,"[usr] is trying to send [F] to you. Accept it?","File") in list("Yes","No"))
M << ftp(F)
M << browse(F)
This is the current Transfer file im using. But.. how can I get it towhere the the file shows in the browser. Towhere they can open it etc..
Your code is trying to browse() to usr's file, which probably won't work. To make it work correctly you'd need to find out where the user is saving the ftp()ed file, which I don't think is possible. (I'd be delighted to be proven wrong through :) )
In response to Crispy
herm Kujilasjiji does it.. poof your wrong =-p
In response to Jacob
Just trying to help. If you don't want me to help you, I won't.
In response to Jacob
Jacob wrote:
herm Kujilasjiji does it.. poof your wrong =-p

It also hasn't worked anytime I've used it, at least for sending icons; they show in the browser, but it's just the south facing image of the icon.