how would you go about counting all the people on a server, i know on the login() make a variable that adds everytime a person logs in and decreases everytime they log out would work but hasnt been for me, anyone have a code for this?
plus id like to ask someone to answer my other posted newbie central question if its not to much
Oct 27 2002, 2:47 pm
In response to Koshigia
Koshigia wrote:
this way, people are counted for at all times... Don't forget that the list has to be initialized:
Lummox JR |
In response to Koshigia
Why not just keep a global variable as a counter. Initialize it to 0, increment it when someone logs in, and decrement it when someone logs out. This would require less memory.
In response to CableMonkey
And thats actually what he requested.
In response to CableMonkey
A list can be useful for this and other things,
var/list/players = list() mob/Login() players.Add(src) ..() mob/Logout() players.Remove(src) ..() Now what you could do with this, mob/Stat() ..() statpanel("Players") stat(players)//shows everyone in the players list(or in game) stat("Player Count",players.len)//players.len is the length of the list in this case how many people are in the game |
In response to Super16
showoff. :-P
or... if your checking all at once, you could do it this way.
for(var/mob/X in world)
src << "I'm a person! - [X]"
There are a few ways, it all depends on how you wish to use the return values.