![]() Nov 8 2002, 11:59 am
I want to be able to take away verbs when a mob logs in how would i go about doing that?¿
![]() Nov 8 2002, 12:05 pm
Well, No one can help you without a detailed description of what you wan't done, or if you post the code snippet of what you have already attempted to do!
Kamion wrote:
Well, No one can help you without a detailed description of what you wan't done, or if you post the code snippet of what you have already attempted to do! I didnt do anything the only thing i did was the login code now i need to learn how to take away verbs (Tabs if able) Login Code: world mob = /mob/creating_character view = 6 name = "Cant Tell Ya " mob/creating_character Login() ..() src.CreateCharacter() proc/CreateCharacter() Start var/mob/new_mob var/char_name = input("Name you Character:","Name") as null|text if(char_name == null) goto Start var/char = input(src,"Pick Your Character!") in list("DOO DOO","DOODOO") switch(char) if("blah") new_mob = new /mob/NOPE CAnt tell YA new_mob.loc = locate(25,25,1) if("None") src.Logout() src.client.mob = new_mob = char_name ..() del(src) |