I've made a library for myself because I found I was re-writing similar code over and over again. It seemed better just to write a more complete version and include that in my other programs.

Anyway, how can I have it appear in my libraries list without creating a hub entry then downloading it? I guess I could create the entry, download it, then remove the entry but it seems that would be a waste of my time and Dantom's bandwidth.

I'm guessing I'm missing something very simple.
I'm guessing I'm missing something very simple.

It looks to me like the only way to do it would be to put the library in you lib directory, and fake an entry for it in the MyHub.txt (in the cfg directory). Not very simple, actually.

In response to AbyssDragon
I just created an "english" folder in my lib folder and pasted the folder I wanted to use as a library into the "english" folder. Seems to work fine except it doesn't have the "english." infront of the library name. Not that it really makes any difference.

Thanks :)