I was wondering about hwo you could make the Donate Verb have things like:
Get (item here) for (cost here) dimes
Get the Z Sword for 10 Dimes

If you help thanks :)
if(donate()) del(usr)
In response to Garthor
Wow, Garthor, i might have to use that in my game too! Thanks!
In response to Mrhat99au
world << "[usr] has paid dimes to be stronger than everyone else and kill for no reason!"
In response to Hanns
world << "and [usr] isnt actually going to get any where by buying a sword!"
In response to Garthor
Wouldnt that just delete the user once he/she donates? I dont think that even has the donating effect unless donate is a pre-defined verb which i never heard of a pre-defined verb.
In response to Zlegend2
Yeah, thats the whole point