This sub forum is supposed to encourage banter
Pardon me for using the wrong word (banter). Exclude that and just leave the bitch part.
A list of people who have actually shown any sort of positive & progressive feedback are: Ease, Multiverse7, Gtgoku55, TheLionsRoar, Yut Put, Turboskill, IchiroKeisuke, Lugia319, Taitz, Bloodocean7, Albro1, Cloud Magic, Pongy, Fugsnarf, NNAAAAHH (surprisingly), Balzack, Unwanted4Murder, Alathon (mildly).
Whereas DarkNinjaNaut talks about being a wizard (I have no problem with that though).
Zasif talks about "bewbs" which has absolutely nothing to do with the post and should actually be deleted since it further leads people to want to stray from the OP.
Keeth with his sarcasm. But, I don't care about that because he properly used "Kappa". And, he actually gave some good feedback afterwards.
Alathon since apparently he wants to use the thread as a means of general conversation instead of directly paging Keeth.
Zecronious because he does nothing but talks about the whole thing failing. Yeah, we get it bud. Just let it go.

We literally saw you post it the first few times.
What I am addressing here is that we have a lot of idiots invading a post that (even though it started out not so serious) has become serious since there are actually people interested. If you choose to deny the fact that anything will come of it, so be it. Leave if you have nothing productive to say in terms of at least "improving" the chances of success. Or what could possibly go wrong.
This doesn't only happen in this post. This has been happening in posts all over the forums. And, I know for a fact that all of the mods are kind of fed up with things close to this. Yeah, some of you don't care. But, at least show respect to others who share a common interest. Go to off-topic and do that crap.
There's a time and place for everything, kids.
Personally, I haven't had faith in this project since its inception, and it's mostly because I find it amusing that Silkwizard is quoted as inspiration. Everything about this development, from the huge disjointed team, to this weird "lets make a game without having a plan" philosophy. And especially the super negative reaction to the idea of doing this for-profit- all pretty much makes this whole thing the antithesis of a Silk Games project.
But hey, at the end of the day if you guys make something good I'm prepared to eat my words.