Another update, guys! This is my latest WIP.

(Right click and click "Open Image In New Tab" to see it full size - it is 16x9! Perfect for wallpapers!)

I'm putting a lot more time into this one than my past pieces, and I'm having a ton of fun with it.

I streamed most of the coloring of this on Picarto, and I will probably do the same when I resume coloring it tomorrow. You can follow me on Picarto (If you have an account) or add me to your Watch list on DeviantArt (I post on there right before I stream!) to catch me when I start!

Also, I have started my Patreon page, so if you like what I'm doing and want to support me, then come check out my page!

Thanks, guys! :)
Nice but Gohan's hair is that long
In response to Ganite
I know it isn't, I just chose to make it that long. I like how it looks. :P
Very nice
Looks good. Odd, but good.
Elven Gohan, interesting.
Their necks were always huge.
Yut Put wrote:
the neck is huge,
It's a Dragonball Z character, that's intentional. lol

the head is tiny and baby faced,
Yeah, still working on getting the look right.

and the hand is... uh... use a reference
I did. I went so far as to take a picture of my own hand in that exact position. Would you mind telling me what is wrong with my hand?
Yeah, I can see the shoulder thing. I suppose I can mess with the fingers a bit, but I'm fairly confident that the angle, general shape, and size are within a very small margin of correct. The foreshortening makes it appear a bit bigger than the head, since hands are generally just a bit smaller than your face (and these are super muscle jocks we're talking about here, pretty big hands).

I can try to fiddle with the neck too.

All of that will come after I finish this commission I'm working on, though.
Just reduce the length and width of his neck, he was a small teenager at this age.
I agree with UPD4T3 on the neck. Although length gets to me more so than width. As for the hand, I think the problem is the space in the middle between the thumb/index and the other three fingers. It's too large. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally cannot get a gap anything like that going on mine.

When I try to do my hand like that, the gap has a little bit more of a V look to it, and more importantly is just much smaller. It seems like this picture could fit a 6th finger in there and still have a tiny space left.
In response to Toddab503
Can most people really not spread their index and middle fingers apart well? Maybe I'm just more dexterous than most or something, but I have no real problems imitating this hand. Which should be a little obvious, considering I used my hand as a reference x)
No I cannot do that I tried after reading Todd's post lol.
It's just that the space between the pointer and middle fingers is too large, and the spaces between the middle, ring, and pinky is too small. It looks wonky.
I can spread my fingers that wide. I have no clue what is wrong with the rest of you lol. Regardless, you could lower the spacing a smidge. It is a tad big excessive.

Try some brighter colors maybe?
needs abit more shading and darker colors
In response to UPD4T3
Nahhhh, that looks really bad.
Oh, no no no. ;3