Dec 6 2002, 5:51 pm
Everytime a some music or a tune tries to play i get a synthcore liesence is invalid error. Please help me fix this! Thx.
Dec 6 2002, 6:39 pm
Trust me on this one. Unless you post the coding you need help on and mark the error of which is bothering you, you wont get help. I can assure you.Please post the code and maybe someone will generously help you.
In response to RainZero
No you don't understand. There is no code. Its when in any game if the game tries to play music, it gives me the error. Im not making a game just joining one when it does that.
Jardineparrot wrote:
Everytime a some music or a tune tries to play i get a synthcore liesence is invalid error. Please help me fix this! Thx. It sounds to me like BYOND is trying to play MIDI through a proprietary driver on your system that was set up on some kind of bonehead subscription scheme. Basically the problem is with your system. I'm afraid I can't offer much more than that, though. Lummox JR |