Yeah hi again, well I started to make a simple Role - Type game with a basic attack verb i think it's called. Anyway, I'll be using it on these other "mobiles" that I gave a hit point "variable" and when the attack "verb" takes away all their Hit Points, they go away. But if I hit the attack "verb" too much, then this appears on the screen (*note, the monster still goes away [dies], but I don't want this to display. i think the way to fix it is to make it say if the enemy is dead then attack is null, but i'm not even sure what that means:)

runtime error: Cannot read null.Eva
proc name: Attack (/mob/verb/Attack)
usr: Metallica (/mob/PC/hero)
src: Metallica (/mob/PC/hero)
call stack:
help me:)
null means nothing. So what its saying is that it can not read nothing's Eva. This would have happened because your not attacking anything.
You'll probably get this error if there is no monster's around and you use the verb. You'll have to put something into the verb so that if M (Or what ever you called the variable for the monster) == null, it returns (Stops the verb).

Just put a
    if(M == null)

somewhere in the verb, probably at the start.