IS there away so when u cast a spell that the waters density for only you becomes to a state where u can walk on it?
There are a couple of ways to achive this effect. I'll give you the worst first. You can simply make it so that the water is non-dense. Thats bad since anyone can walk over it.
2nd. You could use Enter(). Just make it so that the mob has a 'walk_on_water' variable. When you cast the spell, it sets that var to 1 (True). When you Enter() the water it will return 'walk_on_water'. So the water turf would look something like this.
icon = 'water.dmi'
if(istype(O, /mob))
return O:walk_on_water

3rd. If you just want it to walk through one water turf, and its a specific one (Like the one in front of them) just set there loc to the waters loc.
In response to Dog Man
ok thanks ill see if it works
In response to Dog Man
Dog Man wrote:
> turf
> icon = 'water.dmi'
> water
> Enter(O)
> if(istype(O, /mob))
> return O:walk_on_water

What would i put for the walk_on_water var?
In response to Koolguy900095
walk_on_water = 1 if you want to be able to walk on water, and 0 if you dont.
In response to Dog Man
now how do i make it so when u logoff the var resets to whatever
In response to Koolguy900095
Simply dont save that variable. Or if you do, just have part that resets it in your loading proc.
In response to Dog Man
ok thanks let me try that
In response to Koolguy900095
i am a real n00b arnt i anyway why dont this work

walk_on_water = 0
In response to Koolguy900095
Ummm. I would put a ..() in there, to make it do the defualt action of Login(). That's the only thing I can see that would cause it not to work.
walk_on_water = 0
In response to Dog Man
would this be a good code so after 30 seconds you cant walk on water anymore

walk_on_water = 1
walk_on_water = 0
In response to Koolguy900095
Yeah, that would do the job. Your probably better off to use spawn(300).
walk_on_water = 1
walk_on_water = 0
In response to Koolguy900095
By defining it as temporary.

mob/var/tmp/walk_on_water = 0

Then it will be ignored in the default Read() and Write() procs, and will save you that one bit of space.