In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
The SFPP ( shots fired per post ) in this thread is too damn high!

Oooo! Shots fired!!!
In response to Maxsteel13
Maxsteel13 wrote:
unreal could make LAN support
while BYOND gives shit about YOU DON'T HAVE OPEN PORTS

Sorry to inform you sir. But, I am pretty sure BYOND support teh LANzorz. It always has. In fact, any host capable app can. 192.168.1.COMPUTER_INTERNAL_IP:PORT

Note that starting with 192.168.1 depends on your type of router. Check to see what it starts with. Research. Google.
Unreal is much faster, because it's simpler. I think I will get more done in it faster. With things like this: showthread.php?6434-Plugin-Web-UI-framework-plugin-(VaQuoleU I) I might still be able use BYOND, for text based games. But I'm guessing that's all BYOND excels at in comparison.
In response to Sir Quizalot
Sir Quizalot wrote:
Unreal is much faster, because it's simpler. I think I will get more done in it faster. With things like this: showthread.php?6434-Plugin-Web-UI-framework-plugin-(VaQuoleU I) I might still be able use BYOND, for text based games. But I'm guessing that's all BYOND excels at in comparison.

BYOND is very easy to learn, use and create with but it's tradeoff is that it lacks raw power.

When it comes to licensing you are free to use BYOND commercially without paying a cent.

Unreal Engine is a very powerful engine for creating 3D content, it's OK for creating 2D content as well but it's tradeoff is that it takes quite a bit of time and effort to properly learn.

When it comes to licensing you need to pay 19$ a month to use Unreal, 5% of all revenue and must also issue reports on the revenue made from products created using the engine.

Do you want power or ease of use? it's really up to you what engine you want to use.
In response to Sir Quizalot
Sir Quizalot wrote:
I might still be able use BYOND, for text based games. But I'm guessing that's all BYOND excels at in comparison.

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