Many questions.
First, how can I make it so (my game has a day and night cycle) every time it completes one day and night cycle, some kind of world variable adds one on to the number of days the world has been running? Also, how can I make it so there is a variable that shows how many days a player has played the game (game days).
Second, how can I make it so if someone uses a spell, like fire or something, that it shoots fire in the direction they are faceing until it hits something dense (i dont' want just one square of fire, i want a trail behind a square that shoots out from the direction you are faceing.)
How can I make a protector that would limit how much text a person can type, disable html editing (with what they say when they type [the say verb])when they type, and censor them if they use cuss words when they type (again , using my say verb[mob/ver/say(msg as text)/world << "[usr] says [msg]"
![]() Dec 14 2002, 12:59 pm
You'll want to add a for(var/mob/M in world). Followed by a client check (if(M.client)), then add 1 to there 'days_in_game' variable.
After that you'll just add one to a global variable for the 'days_in_total'.
For the next one (Making the spell, with a trail), you'll have to make a sort of Mini AI system for each fire blast.
It wont have to do much, just a simple loop. Something like:
new /obj/fire (src.loc)
Just make sure when you make the fire blast you set it's dir var, and you make it call that proc. You'll also want to add something in the obj Bump() code that will delete the obj/fire if it bumps into something dense.
With the protecter. You'll want to look up html_encode and length(). The censor thing is a little advanced, so you might just want to use a libary.
If you dont though, learn to use lists and findtext().