Let's say....

I wanted to create a totally random item from an obj/randitem parent type. I might also want to throw in more tottaly random items from the obj/randitem parent type.(/obj/randitem/1,/obj/randitem/2, etc) in a random AREA.

Let's say, the AREA's are... : the front random territory, the back random territory, the side random territory, and the other side random territory.

But, before the items are placed, they are given a tag so that only a certian person(S) (the person(S) who summoned them) can only see and find them.

How would I do this?

Sariat wrote:
Let's say....

I wanted to create a totally random item from an obj/randitem parent type. I might also want to throw in more tottaly random items from the obj/randitem parent type.(/obj/randitem/1,/obj/randitem/2, etc) in a random AREA.
<code> var/list/types = list(typesof(O)) types -= O.type for(var/i = 0, i <= 10, i++) var/V = pick(types) var/area/AREA = locate() //Randomize the area selection yourself. new V(AREA) //Or, alternatively, new V(pick(AREA.contents)) </code>
Let's say, the AREA's are... : the front random territory, the back random territory, the side random territory, and the other side random territory.

But, before the items are placed, they are given a tag so that only a certian person(<big>S</big>) (the person(<big>S</big>) who summoned them) can only see and find them.
<code> obj/randitem var/list/owners = list() icon = 'whatever.dmi' New(var/list/own) owners = own icon = null ..() //Create an image object, then show it to the owners. I have a headache now though, and don't feel like going to the reference to remember how to make an image object. </code>
How would I do this?


*Grabs a Tylonal... Tylonol? Gahhh*
I know exactly why you need this snippet. :)
var/ptype = pick(typesof(/obj/item)-/obj/item)
var/obj/item/O = new ptype() //location later
var/area/typea/a = locate(/area/typea)
var/area/typeb/b = locate(/area/typeb)
var/area/typec/c = locate(/area/typec)
O.loc = pick(pick(a.contents)+pick(b.contents)+pick(c.contents))
In response to Garthor
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
My grandma won't let me take tylenol. She says its bad for my liver or something. She also says a beer will hurt my little liver. Im not so sure about the tylenol, but a beer wont do the least bit of damage to said organ. (well she might have been correct when I was in 6th grade, but come on im 5'11 220 lbs., i can friggin outdrink my dad.)
In response to Jotdaniel
Ummm, it's a well established fact that alcohol harms the liver over time...

It only makes sense... Your liver is an organ that filters toxins out of your bloodstream... Alcohol is a toxin, and your liver filters it out of your bloodstream... The alcohol then can build up in the liver, causing lasting damage...

Long time drinkers often have to have liver transplants because of this...

It doesn't matter how good you can hold your booze... It still harms your liver...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
Oh, scuz me that wasn't my point. I realize that alcohol abuse harms the liver, I was just saying theres a point where size is more important than age in the ability to drink. or something like that. Im kinda tired.
In response to Jotdaniel
You are right in that size is often more important than age in alcohol tolerance... Larger bodies mean more tissue to "soak up" more it takes more to affect you as much as someone with a smaller body...

However, your post specifically said that you think that your grandmother is wrong in saying that alcohol will harm your liver...

"but a beer wont do the least bit of damage to said organ"

I replied to tell you that it will... Perhaps not much damage from a single beer, but it will definitely do some damage...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
erm, a single beer is all i meant, I do realize if i get drunk off my ass it might have some repercussions.
In response to Jotdaniel
Right, and I know that's what you meant...

But you said that a beer will cause no harm to your liver... I'm trying to explain that it will... The damage might be too small to be of any concern, or even noticeable...but it will still cause some harm...

But there's no point in having a long debate over the
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
er sorry, yeah i see what you mean.
In response to Jotdaniel
Errrr...back to the point? I don't think those answers given to me where what I was looking for.
