i was wondering if any one could help me i got a Game being made a RPG but i cant get it working the Proplem is..... ok i got a list i got a monster(Bug) and when i attack it it dont attack back and i when it died it dont drop what i told it to and its body stayes there when it die's and you can hit it agin and it died agin and agin and agin

Can any one hlpe me i will send my coding though Aim or a BYOND game with Send File i will send my game so you can see it Thank you for reading and Be for now
Read the tutorials.
this is my death code, just edit and add to your game if you want.
mob/proc/deathcheck(mob/M as mob)
if(M.client)//If is a player
M.loc = locate(2,1,1)//relocate to start
M.hp = 10
M <<"\blue [src] killed you!"//tell usr he died

else //For monsters
src <<"\blue You killed [M]!"
new/obj/ghost_corpse(M.loc)//adds a corpse
new/mob/items/Herb(M.loc)//adds an item
del(M)//deletes the body
In response to Koolguy900095
Instead of creating an item (which should be an obj, not a mob):

for(var/atom/moveableV in M.contents)
V.loc = M.loc
In response to Garthor
mine are mobs
In response to Koolguy900095
Strictly speaking, you should make all objects/items objs - mobs will work, but they take up more memory and therefore contribute to lag.