Hey so this is what I'm up to at the moment, a peaceful multiplayer adventure game. Been grinding for like 3 days so I felt like sharing.

Everything's modular so I can easily add new types of shirts, pants, hair, hair colors etc. All done with overlays except for hair color which is RGB values blended with black and grey icons.

There's also 3 body types with different skin tones to choose from.

Obviously this is very early, so early I'm not putting a test server up. Instead just posting some preview shots.

I like it ! It's simple but it was very well done !

I wish you success !
In response to Tacurumin
Thank you :)
Looks good for starts :3 good luck
Nice! Brings back memories for me when I first started working on Seika. It was just a single island with a few items on the ground that you could pick up and use.

Not that they look anything alike, just the grass island surrounded by water with items on the ground gave me a rush of nostalgia.

Hope one day you get to experience the same nostalgia. Good luck on your game.
Yeah man, thanks. It really has that kind of "in the beginning" feeling at the moment.

Right now it's actually this small island in the corner. I think I might have this is a place where you learn the game then put the main island in the middle.

In response to Zecronious
Zecronious wrote:
Yeah man, thanks. It really has that kind of "in the beginning" feeling at the moment.

Right now it's actually this small island in the corner. I think I might have this is a place where you learn the game then put the main island in the middle.

Is this the wizard academy of Hogwarts?
Where I learn spells.
In response to DarkNinjaNaut
Heh, nope but you're not far off xD
Added female characters to the game, extra pictures in the top of the thread.

They were actually quite difficult because the actual base is proportioned to be a man and making a separate female base would also mean I need separate armor/clothing/everything for females.

My solution was to spend a very long time getting the hair right, alter the clothes slightly and to make the eyes lighter. The result of even just the eyes being light works really well but it's the trifecta that really does it I think.
keep up with the good work
yeah but the thing with female armor is you barely have to draw any. that way your game can draw in players via sex appeal.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
yeah but the thing with female armor is you barely have to draw any. that way your game can draw in players via sex appeal.

Oh my god, classic empirez. Made me chuckle. Yeah that is true but I want my game to be kid friendly, for a general audience.
I liked the chickens.