ok, let's say i have this bit of coding to show character emotion...

set category = "emotions"
world << "*[usr] smiles*"

now, let's also say i have a bitmap image in my file tree called "happyface.bmp". now instead of *[usr] smiles* showing up when the user clicks on the verb, i want the happy face picture to show up in its place. can someone please show me a quick and easy way to do this? i've tried to figure it out myself but no matter what i do nothing works. thanks in advance.
world << "\icon['happyface.bmp']"
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
world << "\icon['happyface.bmp']"

Or if you'd like to edit how big the icon should be, try this:
set category="emotions"
world<<"<STYLE>IMG.icon{width:24px;height:24px}</STYLE><IMG CLASS =icon SRC=\ref['happyface.bmp']>"
