Either this or I have missed up the output.
But after two hours of brainstorming I got to the conclusion this has got to be a Webclient bug.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: Create an interface with a grid. Output one, two, three or whatever number of /obj's to the grid, having into account that this /obj has the following definitions:
See Code Snippet.
Now, open it in Dream Seeker and you will see how the procedures are called as expected, now go to the webclient and move your mouse around the atoms.
Unexpectedly there is no output, at least for me.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
world<<"This is a check"
world<<"This is another check"
world<<"And this didn't work either"
mob/proc/outputtoGrid(_times=4, _grid="grid1")
for(var/i in 1 to _times)
src<<output(new/obj/this_obj, "[_grid]:1,[_times]")
Expected Results:
The checks' text to be outputted.
Actual Results:
No output, apparently.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Webclient only.
In other games? Haven't tested.
In other user accounts? Any.
On other computers? Couldn't test this.
When does the problem NOT occur? When using Dream Seeker.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? I haven't had the chance to test it, but I suppose it will NOT work as I am using the latest build.
Doh! This example is doomed anyway; if it works at all in DS it's by accident.
You can't output an obj to a grid that you're not going to keep a reference to. The obj is being deleted again as soon as the output finishes, which is why it's not receiving mouse procs.
You need to store those objs in a list or something where they persist beyond the proc. I'm certain this will solve your issue.