set src in oview(1)
M.D = usr.atk - M.def
M.hp = M.hp - M.D
usr << "You attacked [name] for [M.D]"
usr << "You killed [name]"
del src
else usr << "He's a nice guy"

I get no errors but when I attack the mob, a list comes up so that I can attack myself too. When I choose to attack myself it still says "You attacked NPC for 0" But when I attack the NPC it says "You attacked NPC for 4" and damage goes as normal. I'm sure it's just a little thing, if someone could correct me I'd be grateful.
Tokabol wrote:
>   attack(mob/M)
> set src in oview(1)
> if(bad==1)
> if(M.hp>0)
> M.D = usr.atk - M.def
> M.hp = M.hp - M.D
> usr << "You attacked [name] for [M.D]"
> if(src.hp<=0)
> flick("fade",src)
> usr << "You killed [name]"
> del src
> else usr << "He's a nice guy"

I get no errors but when I attack the mob, a list comes up so that I can attack myself too. When I choose to attack myself it still says "You attacked NPC for 0" But when I attack the NPC it says "You attacked NPC for 4" and damage goes as normal. I'm sure it's just a little thing, if someone could correct me I'd be grateful.

attack(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
