(See the best response by Kaiochao.)

Problem description: Basically, I want to know how to make a Maximize button ( which enlarges the screen and when you click it again, and makes it smaller. ) With the Coding, so I can implement it in my Game's Interface because, I removed the

Best response
For your Maximize button, in the skin editor, use this as its Command:
.winset "[window_id].is-maximized=true ? [window_id].is-maximized=false : [window_id].is-maximized=true"

(replace [window_id] with your window's ID)

You should've used something similar for your Minimize button; it would use the "is-minimized" parameter instead of "is-maximized".
I mean the way the Maximize button works on a normal windows, not the minimize button.
Which is what he displays in his example. I believe you're actually asking for a way to "fullscreen" your map, correct? If so, you must clearify, because you're currently asking for a way to toggle maximized on a window, which is what he showed you.