Hello everyone,
I was surfing the internet for a good gaming source, and also programming utilities. It appears I have found both. :)
I was browsing through, and it seems as if you have quite a community here. Anyway,I have some programming experience, so I decided to give this a shot. Well, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Lexton, and I live in Texas. I have some basic, and visual basic programming expierience. I hope you can squeeze me in, and help me with any trouble I may have. :)
To make a long story short; Hello BYONDers!
Jan 4 2003, 9:20 pm
Jan 4 2003, 9:25 pm
I'll be the first to say Welcome to BYOND! Hope to see some great games from you! :-D
Hello Volte!
May I suggest getting started on the tutorials and moving on up to the Demos. I hope to see great succuss from you! If you need anything from me, just ask. -= Kaclys =- |
Hello Volte. I live in Texas. Fort Worth to be exact. How about you? Anyways, I suggest you go through the tutorials, demos and libraries. When you feel you've grasped a bit of the BYOND Language (DM), make a SMALL game. Just to pratice. Never EVER start out big. You'll most likely end up a wash up, like me. Please take my advice. And enjoy you stay! Feel free to add me to your pager list and I'll show you some good games on BYOND.
-ST |