I've got my code. and it doesn't work. I tried everything i knew to make it work, and it didn't.

my code is:

for(var/mob/M in world)
var/T = M.type
new T(M.loc)
world << "REFRESH"

So if any of you knowledgeable people out there see what i don't see, and know whats wrong with it. please tell me.

P.S. It's a MUD game. so I can't use the Repop() proc.

.: | HILEL | :.
Things after the for() loop should be in the for() loop.
isn't this what Repop() does?
In response to Weedman
oops, i wrote the code in here and i coulden't use the tab button to make indentations, so they arent under the for().
one quick thing, when posting code, you should use the DM tag.... it just makes it easier to read