My code is:

if(usr == "mob/player/Agna")

And even if you are that character it doesnt do what i want it to...Please help and thanks in advance!
Koolguy900095 wrote:
My code is:

if(usr == "mob/player/Agna")

And even if you are that character it doesnt do what i want it to...Please help and thanks in advance!

mob/player/Agna is a type
"mob/player/Agna" is a string

Your character is neither. However, it has a type. Therefore, you can check it like this:

if(istype(usr, /mob/player/Agna))
Just a few days ago i had to explain this to someone. ""'s (like in real life) are for refering to text, they are for quoting., what you said is no diffrent than if(usr=="To be or not to be") Please remeber, ""'s mean text. Numbers, varibles and almost anything else dont belong in ""'s.