I said it once, and I will say it again. Real pirates use the torrents for faster plunderin', Arr!

That is in reference to the flash video that has the text "lol limewire".
Yeh. Limewire sux.
Lime wire is teh ROX
Oi! Mega!
Shut yet non-member mouth! Wee dun needah heer yer comments.
Limewire good for getting songs that it. Nothing else is good about Limewire.
Nothing is good about LimeWire. Anything that is based on Java is garbage.

Loving the color lay out, by the way!
Name a program better where I can download single song that takes about 10 minutes. Also, yes most Java based programs are garbage. Their are a few good java apps out there. Hell I didn't even know Limewire was based off java, nor do I care because I have it open for about 10 minutes download something and close it. Also Azureus Bittorrent client is not crap. It's probably one of the top 5 clients. I also know plently of people that hate java, that use it!
Hey.. That's not a boot!