Whenever I Run my game, my avatar dissapears, or is invisible. Everything else goes well, he is the class he's suposto be. And when I move around I can go to different parts of the map.

If you need more info just tell me. Thank you.
are you sure that the mob you end up using in the game has the icon stated? I can't really help much without knowing what you put in the code.
post your login code here.
In response to Krosse

charactername = input("What would you like to name your character?","Character Name",src.key)
alert ("In this Dbz game you don't get to choose your race. You have to pick your favorite out the following I present to you. According to that, you will get your race")

var/list/foods = new()
foods += "Cheese"
foods += "Ham"
foods += "Eggs"
foods += "Pizza"
foods += "Rice"
fav_food = input ("What is your favorite Food?") in foods
var/list/colos = new()
colos += "Red"
colos += "Blue"
colos += "White"
colos += "Black"
colos += "Pink"
fav_colo = input ("What is your favorite Color?") in colos
var/list/anims = new()
anims += "Cow"
anims += "Chicken"
anims += "Baboon"
anims += "Whale"
anims += "Peacock"
fav_anim = input ("What is your favorite Animal?") in anims
if (race_number == 3 ||race_number == 7||race_number == 10)
new_mob = new /mob/player/Namek()
MaxPl +=(rand(25,100))
Strengh +=(rand(1,10))
Defense +=(rand(1,15))
Inteligence +=(rand(10,30))
Ki +=(rand(1,5))
if (race_number == 4 ||race_number == 8||race_number == 11)
new_mob = new /mob/player/Human()
MaxPl +=(rand(20,100))
Strengh +=(rand(5,10))
Defense +=(rand(5,10))
Inteligence +=(rand(20,30))
Ki +=(rand(1,5))
if (race_number == 5||race_number == 9)
new_mob = new /mob/player/Saiyan()
MaxPl +=(rand(50,100))
Strengh +=(rand(1,20))
Defense +=(rand(0,15))
Inteligence +=(rand(10,30))
Ki +=(rand(0,5))
if (race_number == 6||race_number == 13||race_number == 15)
new_mob = new /mob/player/Kooler()
MaxPl +=(rand(50,500))
Strengh +=(rand(1,15))
Defense +=(rand(1,15))
Inteligence +=(rand(5,15))
Ki +=(rand(20,40))
if (race_number == 12||race_number == 14)
new_mob = new /mob/player/Majin()
MaxPl +=(rand(100,2000))
Strengh +=(rand(10,35))
Defense +=(rand(10,40))
Inteligence +=(rand(1,5))
Ki +=(rand(5,20))
usr.loc=locate(1,1,1) = charactername
src.client.mob = new_mob

icon = 'characters.dmi'
icon_state = "Main"
icon = 'characters.dmi'
icon_state = "Main"
icon = 'characters.dmi'
icon_state = "Main"
icon = 'characters.dmi'
icon_state = "Freeza1"
icon = 'characters.dmi'
icon_state = "FatBuu"

Thats my entire Login Coding...
In response to SSChicken
You're making the same mistake I was in my current project. If you want to assign variables and such, don't switch between mobs, just use procs within the same mob (otherwise the attributes you assign are deleted when you delete that mob, they don't trnasfer). Then, have a variable in the mob called "existing" or something along those lines, which equals zero. Under Login, put:

if(!src.existing) //if not existing
character_creation() //this tells the program to run the creation proc
return..() //return parent

Then at the end of the creation proc, put src.existing = 1

also, don't declare mob for every little thing. For example, you have mob/create_character, then directly below it, you have mob/proc...silly. All you have to do is declare mob/player once, then every proc, verb, var, etc that goes with it make sure is indented below it.
In response to Krosse
I did what you told me and it still dosn't work...