So I'll make a casual tutorial series that I now plan to update hopefully once a week. This will be for none coders and begginer beyond coders. I purposely go very slow in hopes that everyone will be able to learn from it. Also all tutorials instead of focusing on how to code, it will be focused on more interesting topics like health bars,simple AI as we are learning the language and what we can do with it. I have the tutorials start at the very start and it's set up and how I ussually start my game up with byond.
While I probably will only get pennies from this, my true goal is to make more coders in byond who have a great understanding of how to start a game. I plan to be done when basically the tutorial has made a game. I've also noticed there is no video tutorials on byond at least not ones that are big or building a game through the tutorial so something like this would be great help for those more visual learners.
Also I mess up a lot so don't mind me. The later videos I think get better as I get more comfortable. At least I hope.
Jan 16 2015, 5:38 pm
wow nice dude for new people who join byond and want to code
In response to Alienx26
Yea thank you, thats the dream. I love this game engine and I want it to get more popular. More coders means more potential games. Though we probably lack artists too, if a coder is desperate he can rip art as long as he can do that the game can still look visually appealing.
I think your idea is great as im new to scripting and I will be seeing your video as I want to learn
My attack verb is like 4 lines right now. Tell me how I messed up? Yes I could have done for(in 1 pixel) instead of for(1 tile) but as far as I can see its a good start to learn from.
Yes I do realize I miss something's but want fundamentals are talking about? I'll talk about them if I know what they are. Yes there's a lot of things I haven't touched on yet. I'm touching on things as I work on them. I'm just making the tutorial I wish I had when I was a beginner in beyond. |
In response to DanteVFenris
Don't worry, that's just GatewayRa. You'll adjust to him eventually although I hope you don't pay too much attention to him. It isn't worth it.
It's nice to see you doing this. There's always going to be two groups of people, those who sit down with a 300 page book and read it from start to finish and those who just get into it. I think your tutorials are there for people who just want to make something work and I like that. That's how I got started. |
Hmmm maybe I should go more in depth. Well if people aren't getting it they can leave comments and than I can assist. I could have done better with procs, navigating byond interface isn't so important I think at this stage. I could have explained procs a lot better and probably for loops better.
In response to Zecronious
Haha okay thanks:) me too that's why I'm making it this way.
Please excuse
Quite frankly, you don't need to know variables and how much space they allocate, allocation/delocation process in respects to the faulty garbage collector, numeric literals (In DM There's Octal, Hex, Scientific Notation, and Decimal in the float value range), how the functions are indexed internally, how instructions converts over into bytecode It's just not needed if you want to start programming your first game. |
You don't need insight on binary operations to get your feet wet learning to program. BYOND's native movement is good enough to get you started. Stop trying to make everyone on this site out to be someone trying to make some physics engine capable of solving n-body problems with 20000 loose physics objects. I highly doubt more than a handful of people "expect to get somewhere" and those select few are probably well on their way.
yes we are giving tutorials on how to make a game not a game engine. A game is more about design and the creative process. If byond was some omega 3d engine and we had 100+ people working on some massive project than id say we needed to think of efficiency.
A game however most important element is not the math(and espeically not binary when we have game engines to avoid that) but personal passion a person has for their dream idea. How fun it is, and artistic design. As long as you have the passion you can make a game. You don't need these fundamentals and as the way you speak it just seems your trying to expand your ego by looking down on your others. Enjoy the little things in life mate, stop being so critical |
This makes me feel kind of bad about never finishing my series I started. I went away from it for so long, and now there's a bunch of new things I haven't even touched yet (like the web client) and the task of getting back into it and learning it all to make sure I'm not giving false information in the videos is a pretty daunting one. lol