well in my game when you start it plays one midi, when you get into a battle the song changes, thats all fine and dandy, but when you finish the battle it keeps the same battle song going. when the monsters dead i made it where the world map midi plays, but it doesnt work. any help would be appreciated!
The problem we have with helping you is we don't know what your working with. Post the code where it changes from the battle to world. Then you'll get some help.
In response to Unowuero
the battle code is too long alls i did was go back and place
src << sound('fight.mid',1) in the middle of the enter battle code and src << sound('ff7world.mid',1)at the endbattle proc. but it doesnt work i, i dont think its my code because i randomly placed them in certain sections.
but if you must know here are those certain sections:

//25% chance of searching for unoccupied area and beginning combat.
randomencounter1(mob/M as mob)
if (prob(18))
for(T in world)
src << sound('fight.mid',1)
T.occupied = 1
M.oldlocx = M.x
M.oldlocy = M.y
M.oldlocz = M.z
M.battlearea = T
M.oldbattlefield = M.onbattlefield
M.onbattlefield = null
usr.icon_state = "battlestance"
M << "Fight!"
M << "Click on the monster you wish to attack to start"
spawn(1)new /mob/Zombie(locate(M.battlearea.x-4,M.battlearea.y,M.battlear ea.z))
return 1
return 0


endbattle(mob/M as mob)
src << sound('ff7world.mid',1)
usr.icon_state = ""
var/turf/battlearea/T = M.battlearea
T.occupied = 0
M.battlearea = null
M.loc = locate(M.oldlocx,M.oldlocy,M.oldlocz)
M.onbattlefield = M.oldbattlefield
M.oldbattlefield = null
M.oldlocx = null
M.oldlocy = null
M.oldlocz = null

In response to Cloudiroth
Ive had problems with this before too, this might not work ,, but play around with it, and see what you get, ask around and post this in code problems WITH A CODE! Try this...

usr<<sound('normal_sound.mid', 1)
In response to The Conjuror
Tsk tsk tsk. Don't use usr in Entered(), Enter(), Exit(),Exited(), Move() etc. The first argument for Entered() is the thing that moves so use that instead.