Ok, here is the code:
var/char_name = input("What is the character's name?", "New character", null) as text
usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
return char_name
The parts in bold are my problem. How it is now after it puts me in the location the name goes blank. If I swap the two lines after it shows my name it wont put me in the location. How should I fix this? Is there a way to do two things at once or should I make some kind of proc to handle this? Any help would be appreciated.
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Perhaps it would be simpler if instead of returning the character's name (which doesn't make a lot of sense in this kind of proc, unless you're doing something with the returned value in some other proc), you could just do this:
<code>src.name = char_name</code>
Second of all, you shouldn't be using <code>usr</code> in a proc like this. You always want to be using <code>src</code> to refer to the mob at hand. Using src instead of usr is a very good habit to get into.
<code>mob/proc/CreateNewCharacter() var/char_name = input("What is your name to be?", "New Character", src.name) as text SaveCharacter(char_name) src.loc = locate(1,1,1) src.name = char_name</code>