This isn't exactly an are I have ever done. But I'm wondering how would would I set up a Mutli Tiled opponent In my FF game. It uses the FF battle system I just have never needed to do something like this.
look for the demo they have plenty
In response to Koolguy900095
They all explain a multi tile MOB
In response to Codesterz
And how is an enemy not a mob?
In response to Garthor
Depends on how you do it. On FFO we had it so the huge enemies were just a turf slapped onto the map, with an invisible mob that you actually fight. Now using a big mob would be much better, cause then you would be able to allow more than one person to fight the same big mob at a time (unless you made about a dozen maps of the same thing...heh). You still should be using mobs however, and a multi-tile demo should do the trick.
In response to Codesterz
Just because it's mob, doesn't make it any different. Most of the libs on multitiles are for the client's character, and not mobs. Where you make the mob/obj attack or whatever, do something like this:

for(var/mob/M in oview(5))
if(M.owner == src&&src.bodypart1 == M)
for(var/mob/M in oview(5))
if(M.owner == src&&src.bodypart2 == M)
//Put attack stuff here.
if they dont change, simply add the other body parts as overlays when the monster is created.
mob //Make a new mob.
        NPC //give it a name.
                icon = 'npcbody.dmi' //Whats its icon?
                New() //When created.
                        src.overlays += /obj/NPCHEAD //add the head!

obj//Make a new obj.
        NPCHEAD //give it a name.
                icon = 'npchead.dmi' //whats its icon?
                pixel_Y = 35 // make it so its above the usr.

- Siientx