
can anyone explain to me what the coordinates, or whatever they are, mean and what the numbers stand for

"2:+4,8:+6" means "[something]:[+ another_thing],[something2]:[+ another_thing2]"

If you can help me out so i can edit the postion of my pointer and understand it, please reply.
The thing after the colon is the number of pixels it's offsetted by.
In response to Garthor
<code> "[something]:[+ another_thing],[something2]:[+ another_thing2]" </code>

what does something stand for, or something2 and explain about the pixel offplacement

In response to Erdrickthegreat2
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
its "x coordinate:x offset,y coordinate:y offset"
In response to Garthor
thanx for the help