Problem description: Well basically I got to the conclusion Foomer's and DarkBelthazor's Sound System did not fit my standards, being the former one a bit more accurate to what I had in mind, and the later really inefficient.
The only problem I have is that whenever I try to update the sound datum (by resending it to a player), it starts on a different channel (using -1 as, so it assigns an available one)
This problem only occurs when I use repeated sounds.
I do not include any snippet as of now because the only thing I need is to know if it is possible to know what channel was assigned to it.
Jan 14 2015, 3:22 am
Best response
Been a long while since I've touched sounds, but(from what I recall) it's preferable to include the music on a specific channel and only have misc noises(growls, gunshots, any noise that could occur in gameplay) should be the only thing that is assigned 0 or less, to be put on a available channel.
I knew it, but the interest in helping is appreciated :)
I have made a feature request regarding this, asking for a way to track in which channel a sound is being player, without hard-coding the channel it should be in. I have managed to do a workaround so the problem is fixed as of now (though efficiency of my proc has fallen a bit). If anyone is interested I might release it on Tutorials & Snippets section. |