im trying to make a team called the geeks but uhhhh how do i make a hub like you know how when you click the little arrow and it list things like and stuff how do i get one of those i tryed but i got really confused well makeing it theres alot of stuff can someone give me the whole process
On the sidebar to the left, go to Your Hub and follow the instructions there. If you get stuck at any point, post back here with AS MANY DETAILS as you can give us. Then we can try to help.
In response to Air Mapster
ok i made one but uhhhh how do i get in the channels list its chrisshehu.the geeks
In response to Chrisshehu

To add to it, just click the "Distribution" link under a game entry, and select your channel.

Well he got it made...

The Geeks is a group of elite programers dedicated to the people not the money (page me for a job)

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More free sourcecodes, what a shame they all have a run button. w00t