I Want a html page with cancel button next back stuff like that if any 1 can do this thx ill pay

This sounds like it ought to be placed in Classified Ads, *not* Code Problems - please pay attention to the definitions of the forum sections! =)

As far as making HTML pages with buttons, etc. - there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tutorials on the subject freely available on the 'net, as close as your nearest search engine.

If you really want to pay for services, my rates vary from $20-$40/hour, depending on the complexity of the webpage(s) needed. My portfolio is available at modules.php?mop=modload&name=Portfolio&file=index and My currents rates for specific needs are available at

Since I am considered well below the market rates for 'professional web programmers', you're still probably better off learning to do it yourself! =)
In response to digitalmouse
but Dig its a CODE problem and iam talking aout a pop up window on byond here u r with all your mombo jumbo werido stuff lol jk O.o'
In response to Littlemagik69er
Littlemagik69er wrote:
but Dig its a CODE problem and iam talking aout a pop up window on byond here u r with all your mombo jumbo werido stuff lol jk O.o'

Code Problems is for debugging code, not to go looking for code. Your question belonged in Newbie Central (where I've moved it) or Classified Ads.

And if you want help with anything, you have to be a lot more specific than you were. As it is no one can really know what the heck you were talking about, or what the HTML page you want is even for. Please be clear in the details.

Lummox JR
In response to Littlemagik69er
Littlemagik69er wrote:
but Dig its a CODE problem and iam talking aout a pop up window on byond here u r with all your mombo jumbo werido stuff lol jk O.o'

Hello, I can’t really understand your writing.. But try this, I think it’s what you need:

In response to RaeKwon
<STYLE>BODY {background: black; color: white}</STYLE>

that brings up a button with cancel on it but it doesn't do any thing