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Boundless Online
Gluscap Games
New original sandbox roleplaying game, join a server or host your own.
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Boundless 0.8
Jan 11 2015, 6:03 pm (Edited on Jan 11 2015, 6:16 pm)
Gluscap Games
Been almost two months since the last update due to exams and holidays. 0.8 is a pretty big update, adding professions, instances and new map tiles.
Two professions have been added to the game; witchcraft and blacksmithing. Blacksmithing allows you to create weapons for players to use while witchcraft allows you to create different potions such as poison or life elixirs.
Dig Instance
Digging used to make your character spin on spot and gather random resources. This has been changed, it now does a lot more. Each player can use dig once every 30 minutes, it creates a cave instance where there are mobs and raw resources. To collect resources all the player has to do is walk up to the raw resources and click it. If someone interupts them by moving them away from the resource then they have to start collecting all over again.
NPCs were added to the game. Currently there are over 12 different spiders and 15 different demons. They spawn in the cave instance and around the main map. The deeper you go into the instance or forest, the stronger the mobs.
Spawns & Loot
When you kill a mob they drop loot for you to pick up. It'll have an amount of gold and some monster parts. You can use these parts to mix and create different potions/elixirs/etc. If you die to a monster you'll simply be sent back to a spawnpoint. If you haven't set a spawnpoint its the embassy. If you have your own bed in your house or clanhouse you can set your spawnpoint to that.
All players now start at the embassy. Its your first spawnpoint and it has a shopkeep which sells beds, anvils, cauldrons and forges.
When a player deletes their character their house becomes abandoned. If there was a password on it, it is removed but all items remain in the house until reboot. Then the house and the map is deleted.
LPC Icons
Map icons are now LPC icons. They look a lot better than the original ones, and a lot of people were asking to get a new look. The map is much brighter and inviting than the only one. There isn't a lot of detail on it at the moment, but I'll get to that at a later date. Tommorrow I'll throw up the credits to all the resources I used on the main page, atm if you're intrested in checking out LPC icons just check
-Decline is 4x lower, but gains are 4x faster to compensate.
-Sparring gives gains to eveything. If you spar normally you gain str/end fast. If you spar while having your aura on you gain res/mag fast.
-Sinew verb added. Its a rank verb that allows you to gift power to someone in exchange for their allegiance.
-5% clan bonus added. When you spar with people from your clan you gain a 5% training bonus.----Damage formulas were editted. Everything is much more balanced and tweakable.
-You can now exit out of the aura passives screen without relogging.
Forum & Subscriptions
I'm always open for ideas for the game, so if you have any or found any bugs please sign up and just drop a topic. I'll be sure to read it. Also you can buy subscriptions for the game, its on the frontpage (the subrscribe button at the top, right below the title of the game) which'll let you do things like change the icons of your items or your own.
Jan 13 2015, 12:03 pm
keep up with the good work
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