Now, I wan't him to get powered up by a lot, and when I do
usr.MaxHp++ it only goes up by 1, how do I make it so it goes up by a fixed amount?
Feb 20 2003, 2:34 pm
Feb 20 2003, 2:35 pm
usr.maxhp += amounthere
In response to Magnus VI
thanks man, i've been havoing a hrd time doing this
In response to UTTGOD
| how do I make it so that it will only go up that certain amount once? I did that and then I kept doing it and his stats went up soooo will I make it so it only happenes once?
In response to UTTGOD
You probably looped it.. if you loop it it will do it continulessly.
In response to GoodDoggyTreat
well, i don't know how to loop, but how do I stop it from looping? ..() ?
In response to UTTGOD
return maybe?
In response to Magnus VI
i'll trthank you