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Thanks :D
Later tonight or tomorrow I'll recolor using the guides Akto gave me as a reference and see how it looks. |
You should try and grey-scale this base. The shadow isn't strong enough. Maybe try and look up Dawnbringer color palette. Or maybe reference some other games character color choice.
Yeah, I was saying the shadows looked weak, I'll look up Dawnbringer and also look at a different game's color choice.
Great, can't wait to see what you change it to. :D
And just in case you didn't google and find this website already. http://www.spriters-resource.com/ |
Thanks for the link, before IconShare and IconBay were my resources and that wasn't quite working out. Also, I'm pretty busy with school and stuff now so you're gonna have to wait a little longer. v_v
![]() Hey, so uhm, I took a couple of minutes and tried something since I was interested in the whole side scroll-er thing. I suppose this is new for me too, but here's what I could whip up. Came out ugly. *shrugs Just an example of how I'd go for it. Best of luck. Tips: -Give the base more sense of direction. As a platform game it'd be impossible to see both the character's eyes at once without breaking the perspective. |
Free up your artistic simplicity. Use brave colors, contrasting colors. Be daring with your stance and push the boundaries for better perspective. Use the colors to push your sense of direction further through shading and highlight areas. Bring the right arm (the arm closest to us in perspective) further into the base and give the arm some flexibility. With pixeling, it's about making every pixel count to create the exact illusion you desire.
The thing is, I try, to use contrasting colors or to be daring, but almost all the time i do it my stuff sucks, maybe it'll come with experience.
Simplest thing you can do is send it through some color tools like grey-scale/desaturate, color balance, hue-saturation, brightness-contrast.
Hmm, I'm a newbie to pixel art so I don't know where I can find those color tools, currently I use Dream Maker for the most part, so can you recommend any other spriting programs which are better or how to find these tools in DM.
We have collected so many resources over the years. Skim through these:
http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=557573 |
1. first find a distinctive outline, not black but not as blendy as your current outline.
2. the shadow is too blended into the actual skin tone it's hard to tell where the shadow border is. 3. try a less saturated color scheme 4. the head above does not look round enough. even when the state in a diagonal view the head must have a round view. 4. the arm on the right looks to long... gotta realize the arm in right is further away than the left arm ... so the arm further away must have a darker color tone and must be smaller when in that view. 5. try make the space for the forehead and lower the face down abit or expand the head vertically. 6. fix the light source... 7. read this http://www.pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=5692 |
Give these articles a read: